sassy pepper and friends
A sassy lady pepper stands in the foreground in front of a merry band of dorky veggies doing a kick line
Plant-based cooking with a side of snark
sassy pepper and friends
A sassy lady pepper stands in the foreground in front of a merry band of dorky veggies doing a kick line
Plant-based cooking with a side of snark
Your Carbon “FoodPrint”2024-04-30T15:03:03-04:00

Your Carbon “FoodPrint”

Calculate Your Carbon “FoodPrint”

This fun, easy-to-use calculator starts with an easy question, “Do you eat food?” Then it gets more specific about which foods you eat, and what you do with leftovers. In the end, you’ll have a better understanding of how what you eat affects the climate. (Note: The third question starts with, “If there’s room on my plate …”. Use your cursor to slide the red dot along the scale. Some test-takers find this confusing).

Compass for Eating Sustainably

Meet the Forkrangers, who developed this deceptively simple, informative compass that will point you in the right direction on how to eat more sustainably. Within a minute you’ll learn simple food swaps that can make a big impact on the planet.

Meat Footprint Calculator

Channel your inner geek, and use this science-y calculator to learn how much energy and water are used to grow different types of meat. From beef to chicken, the numbers are eye-opening.

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