Bio & Life Work
I’ve worked as a marketing professor, investigative journalist, marketing consultant, consumer advocate, and anti-Trump hell-raiser. In 2012, I co-founded The Philanthropy Connection, a women’s grant-making organization, and served as its president until 2017. I have an M.B.A. (University of Texas Austin), and a Ph.D. in Marketing (Northwestern University). I live with my husband Max Bazerman and good dog Becca Sue (a rescue from Natchez, Mississippi) in Cambridge, MA.
The Early Years: Twinkies, Hot Dogs & Fried Chicken
I grew up in Pikesville, a suburb of Baltimore, in the 1960s. My mother wasn’t much interested in cooking, and my father wasn’t interested in eating much beyond Twizzlers, ice cream, and Milk Duds. A typical weekday meal was broiled chicken, flaccid green beans out of a can, and an occasional baked potato with margarine. My favorite foods were Hostess Twinkies, broiled Hebrew National hot dogs wrapped in a slice of pan-fried bologna, coddies, and salami sandwiches on mustard-smeared Wonder bread. Read More